Dr Yvonne Iden Ngwa

Dr Yvonne Iden Ngwa
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University of Yaounde I
Higher Teacher Training College
Department of English
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My contribution to science and its impact on society

My papers  have  severally  been  the  subject  of  and  have  informed scholarly  debates  in  the university and other academic circles.I have not only shared my findings with colleagues and peers,  but  have educated  my  students  on  a  number  of  scientific,  social  and cultural  findings made. For example, I have been able to create awareness in them on the injustices suffered by the black woman and on the need to give male and female children equal opportunities. They are challenged  by  questions  of new racial  definitions in  a  global  context  and  on  the  need  to preserve one’s identity in a multicultural and transnational context.Since  my  students  are future  secondary teachers,  such  education  is  sure  to  have  a  rippling  effect  on  Cameroon  and beyond.In  extracurricular  circles,  several women  groups  and  traditional  organisations  have benefitted from talks that have positively changed world views on questions like gender role distribution.