Prof Samson Khene

Prof Samson Khene
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South Africa
Rhodes University
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My contribution to science and its impact on society

As part of my contribution to the advancement of science I have consistently (for 5 years) been involved in serving as a judge for Eskom Science Expo for the Eastern Cape region (held at Rhodes University in Grahamstown).   I have presented to school students at the Eskom Science Expo, encouraging them to take up science at university.  My research group and I volunteer throughout the year to teach Maths and Science to school children in Grahamstown through the Khanya Maths and Science club led by the Rhodes University chemistry department.  I also serve as a reviewer for international journals such as the Journal of Physical Chemistry, Journal of Material Chemistry A, Journal of Porphyrins Phthalocyanines, Royal Chemistry Advances, and Inorganica Chimica Acta.