Dr Gladness Temu
University of Dar es Salaam
College of Natural and Applied Sciences
Department of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology
Research Profiles
My contributions to science and the impact this has had on society
All my research efforts has been focused on improving small holder farmers livelihood in Tanzania and across the region especially East Africa, using science and technological tools. In several cases my research outputs has reached the farmers either directly or indirectly though crop breeders, policy makers and farmers directly obtaining improved crops and crop products such as clean planting materials. In some aspects, the results has/will be used by policy makers in making informed decisions in various issues relevant to the community. The research results have also been published in referred journals to reach out a wider scientific community. Human capacity building is crucial in science advancement thus, as academician I am advancing science through knowledge transfer in teaching both undergraduate and postgraduate students. Several graduates join higher degrees and become specialists in various fields of science and technology and go to impact the community. Supervision of PhD and MSc researches also has significant impact in advancing science. Research collaboration between the institutions also helps in advancing science for instance I have been collaborating with three national agriculture research institutes and several International Institutes to find solution to complex challenges faced by farmers in various crop productivity eg maize, cassava and yams