Our Challenge Domains

Future Africa’s Research Chairs lead comprehensive programmes of work within our Challenge Domains. They work at a pan-African level and with global partners to set African agendas, build African capacities, create African networks of expertise and influence, and co-design and deliver high-impact research in and for Africa.

Research Chair
Prof Frans Swanepoel
Sustainable Food Systems

The Future Africa Sustainable Food Systems Research Chair (FA-SFS) was established in January 2022 to advance the transformative potential of African sciences in creating thriving African societies in a global context. The FA-SFS focuses on conducting collaborative research to address complex, real-world problems related to sustainable food systems.

Research Chair
Prof Wanda Markotter
One Health

One Health is part of the Future Africa research themes and the University of Pretoria strategic plan. The definitions differ widely, but most agree it involves a collaborative, multisectoral, and transdisciplinary approach to achieve optimal health outcomes and recognise the interconnection between people, animals, plants, and their shared environment.

Research Chair
Sustainability Transformations in Africa

Future Africa is actively involved in a number of activities to advance African research leadership in the domain of Sustainability Transformations, with a new Future Africa Research Chair to be appointed in 2024. In addition to developing new transformative research initiatives, the Chair will oversee Future Africa’s role in major international initiatives such as Future Earth.

Research Chair
African Science and Technology Futures

Understanding the dynamics of African science and technology policy in a global context and ensuring the development of innovative African science and technology systems is imperative for purposes of advancing the transformative impact of African research and scholarship. Future Africa is developing an exciting programme of work in this cross-cutting challenge domain.

Research Chair
Prof Dire Tladi
Global Equity in Africa

The Future Africa Chair in Global Equity aims to promote global prosperity and peace by positioning Africa as a contributor, not just a beneficiary. Despite progress in reducing global poverty,sub-Saharan Africa still lags behind. The Chair will identify challenges and innovative solutions to achieve global equity, with a focus on Africa.